Introducing Truth Goggles
I’m working on a magical button. This button, when pressed, will tell you (an average person who just wants to know what is happening in this crazy world) what is true and what is false on the web site you are viewing. I have a fair amount of the platform finished already and you can […]
Joining The 202nd Decade: It’s HTML5 Week!
I have two new missions for the week: become an HTML5 and CSS3 guru, and go back to make sure my projects on github (there aren’t many at the moment) are well organized. These goals were both inspired by three recently acquired heroes of mine: Chris Heilmann, John Resig, and Jesse James Garret — all […]

The Art of JFDI
It’s an incredibly humbling experience to sit down with your best ideas and crank out something quick and dirty for the world to see. In order to make something, you have to get your head out of the clouds and come careening down to earth. I knew this coming into the Media Lab, and quite […]

Starcraft Network
I’ll cut right to the chase: my network naming convention is spectacular. I highly suggest emulating it. Non-nerds, read this first For the non-techies reading this I have some explaining to do. When you have more than one computer connected together you form something called a Local Area Network (LAN). For instance, you have a […]
Looking back on 2010
Happy New Year everyone! This has unquestionably been the most eventful year of my life to date (other than the year I was born). At the risk of sounding self-absorbed I’m going to list the highlights so that it can go down in my personal history. Here are the bullet points of what happened in […]

A Pumpkin Festival
I have a love for a spectacular game called StarCraft 2. It’s a sequel to one of the best video games ever created, made in 1998, StarCraft. To give you an idea of how great StarCraft is – it is a national sport in South Korea. Television stations are dedicated to broadcasting games between professional […]
Still Alive
This was a triumph. I’m making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction. I’m alive and kickin’ and I’m in Spain. I just drafted a lengthy post for the PBS IdeaLab which I’ll link to once it is up, but I have a nice backlog of things to write about here […]

The Weeks that Led to Sponsor Week
The Media Lab has a giant tower full of gold coins, which students and faculty use to relax as they swim around it and make tunnels. The tower doesn’t fill itself, though — sponsors do! The Lab is funded by companies across the world, and in return those companies get rights to any intellectual property […]
I Got into “How to Make Almost Anything!”
Woooo!!! I found out last week that I managed to slip through the cracks and get into the class that produced THIS: By the end of the semester I will know how to use milling machines, laser cutters, water cutters, make chips, program micro controllers, and build devices that utilize sensors and networks. I’ll finally […]

Ode to Food Cam
I have seen the future, and it is food cam. It is, by far, the most important and revolutionary invention to come out of the Media Lab, and you can use it right now, right here, from where you are sitting. Food cam is a webcam located on the 3rd floor of E15 — conveniently […]