Truth Goggles
Truth Goggles identifies fact-checked content on the web, reminding you when it is most important to think carefully. It is a credibility layer designed to increase your ability to reach a well-formed understanding of the world, using journalism to raise red flags.
The Glass Infrastructure
The Glass Infrastructure makes it easy for people to understand what is going on in a building. It is a network of large touch screen displays set up throughout the MIT Media Lab which allow anyone to explore the network of groups, people, and projects at the lab. Thanks to RFID it also knows who is using the screen.
ATTN-SPAN watches C-SPAN because nobody else is willing. It figures out who is talking, what they are talking about, and who they represent. From this it creates short custom episodes.
Ghosts of the Past
Ghosts of the Past lets you use your iPad as a lens into the past (or into an augmented present). Panoramic images are overlaid on top of the locations where they were taken. Couldn't make it to your brother's wedding? No problem, just use Ghosts!
If you had access to a laser cutter in October, what is the first thing you would try to do? Obviously you would use it to carve a pumpkin. Nothing more really needs to be said.
QRTcullis is a Massively Multiplayer Real Life Online RPG (MMRLOLRPG). We wanted to create a dungeon explorer that had hooks into the real world. Players explore forts by scanning a QR code "portal" with their mobile device. Once the code is scanned the person's character appears at the entrance of a level (which is rendered on that mobile device). Nearby friends and strangers can join in too, wandering around the fort together.
Wall Paper
Wall Paper is a horizontal line of monitors (12 feet / 16,000 pixels wide) able to stare longingly at you, track your position, and update the information it presents based on where you are standing. This pretty much makes it the Sting of screens because every move you make, every step you take, it is watching you.