Looking back on 2010

Happy New Year everyone!

This has unquestionably been the most eventful year of my life to date (other than the year I was born).  At the risk of sounding self-absorbed I’m going to list the highlights so that it can go down in my personal history.

Here are the bullet points of what happened in pseudo-chronological order:

  • Erek and I made it to the top 50 applications of the Knight News Challenge (out of about 2,400)
  • Google called me out of the blue asking for an interview (funny story behind this one)
  • Lyla received a Fulbright Scholarship to go to Spain
  • I was accepted into the MIT Media Lab
  • Lyla graduated from Temple University, finishing her five-year undergraduate program.
  • My childhood dog – Mrs. Duffy – had to be put to sleep 🙁
  • I ended my time working for ColorQuick
  • I got a book published!  Sort of.
  • Lyla and I drove 1000 miles in less than a week: Cheltenham to New York to Boston to O.C. Maryland back to Cheltenham
  • I spent a summer working for SpeakerText
  • I got married
  • Lyla and I spent 10 days in Puerto Rico
  • We moved to Boston
  • Lyla moved to Spain to begin her Fulbright
  • I started my first semester at MIT
  • I learned how to make almost anything
  • I completed my first semester at MIT
  • Lyla and I spent Thanksgiving in France
  • I visited Lyla in Spain for Christmas and New Years

Not too shabby!  This year contained my wedding, two jobs, two post-graduate programs, three countries, and one U.S. territory.

Also, for a few months in there Lyla and I were in solid running for: a $400,000 grant, employment at Google, graduate school at MIT, and a Fulbright scholarship.  Holy crap.

As for you 2011, the excitement bar is set pretty far up there. No pressure.
