2011: Travel, Unexpected Attention, Reunion, and Loss
And I thought 2010 was nuts. This year was very backloaded. Did anything even happen before June? The answer is yes, but the post is long enough just covering the last five months. (more…)
Look Ma, NPR!
Three weeks ago I went to a happy hour organized by the Neiman Lab, I mentioned my thesis project, Andrew Phelps said “that sounds cool, can I write about it?” and I said “sure why not!” I assumed that the post would get about as much traction as professional blog posts usually get: a few […]
Trust Me: Credibility is the Future of Journalism
My colleague Matt Stempeck said it best: “Dan, I know that your life has been a tornado wrapped in a hurricane wrapped up in a whole box of tsunamis this week, but you really need to start wearing pants to work.” It turns out only part of that quote is accurate, but you’ll never know […]
Anonymous Project Update
This post was written as part of a course called Introduction to Civic Media. I feel odd writing too many separate posts in one day. My solution is a merger: the post on Anonymous and Hacktivism is going to buy out my project update. The terms of the buyout haven’t been made public but money […]
Remixing Mainstream Media
As we all know the most important part of any successful project is completely changing your idea at the last minute. In that spirit I am about to present a progress update on a project that has nothing to do with the revamped IRC interface I outlined last time (note that the IRC project isn’t […]
Rethinking the IRC Experience
I love IRC and you should too. IRC (Internet Relay Chat) was the new hotness over 9000 years ago and it is still just as spectacular today! Like I always say, however, if it isn’t broke, break it. That’s right, I want to change the way people interface with this group chat behemoth for my […]

Back from Berlin
Last. Week. Was. Awesome. I just got back from a trip to Berlin as part of the Knight-Mozilla learning lab (MoJo). Twenty of the participants from the previous round (the month long lecture series) were invited to spend a week in Germany getting to know each other while attempting to churn out some code for […]

Megapaper: Super Mario World on 16 Spaces
Megapapers are like desktop backgrounds / wallpapers, except instead of being one image they are 16 images. This would work for huge panoramas, or maybe you want your wallpaper to represent the purpose of a screen, or each one could have a different phrase. Or… you could relive your childhood by taking a map from […]
Learning Lab Final Project: ATTN-SPAN
Part 1: Introduction ATTN-SPAN Intro. Part 2: Prototype and Development Plan The Good News: I created a proof of concept prototype of the ATTN-SPAN platform powered by the Metavid project. The Bad News: Metavid is having a lot of stability issues right now, so you probably won’t be able to use my prototype. I made […]
ATTN-SPAN: Primary Sources for Common Folk
ATTN-SPAN is my hopeful attempt to have my cake and eat it too. Don’t let MoJo or MIT fool you: I’m making it for myself. The idea behind this project is that most content out there is a product that was created for the masses – not for me. I can find algorithms and editors […]