Happy New Year everyone! This has unquestionably been the most eventful year of my life to date (other than the year I was born). At the risk of sounding self-absorbed I’m going to list the highlights so that it can go down in my personal history. Here are the bullet points of what happened in […]
Archive | Life

A Pumpkin Festival
I have a love for a spectacular game called StarCraft 2. It’s a sequel to one of the best video games ever created, made in 1998, StarCraft. To give you an idea of how great StarCraft is – it is a national sport in South Korea. Television stations are dedicated to broadcasting games between professional […]
Still Alive
This was a triumph. I’m making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction. I’m alive and kickin’ and I’m in Spain. I just drafted a lengthy post for the PBS IdeaLab which I’ll link to once it is up, but I have a nice backlog of things to write about here […]

The First 24 Hours of Boston
Lyla and I got home from the honeymoon on August 31st at 11:00 PM. The next day was going to be intense: the plan was to finish packing the entire apartment into boxes, move those boxes into a Uhaul by 3:00, take the 6-hour drive to Boston, and unpack the truck into our new place […]

A Quick Overview of Life After Graduating
I don’t have any clue who will be reading this blog down the line, but right now I can be pretty sure that it is people I know. To those people – hello! Sorry this is so impersonal but I’m really glad to be able to tell you about what I am expecting to be […]
Visiting the SpeakerCave
I just got back from an epic journey to a place so manly that Hercules himself would probably be impressed. I visited team SpeakerText! SpeakerText is a true blue startup that I joined a few months ago. We create interactive transcripts for online video which, in addition to providing some pretty great functionality for media […]

My First Bag of Crap!
Last week I had one of my proudest Internet moments. I managed to nab a mythical Bag of Crap at the last wootoff. Today it finally arrived. The only thing that really comes close to this was the day that I got a quote accepted on Bash.org. For those that don’t know, Woot.com is a […]
My last day was Friday
I had been working for a small web to print company called ColorQuick since June of 2009 to keep me from becoming a homeless person while I waited for Lyla to finish her five-year-long art degree. Apparently it isn’t possible to graduate on time if you are a student at Tyler. The experience was worthwhile, […]